Minggu, 02 September 2012

Why...the titel is " Ciceh3Pororo...puing...puing"......!!!!????

this 1st time aqw corat coret,,,di "ciceh3pororo puing,,,puing"
Waaahhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pasti pada bingung,,,,,
why the titel is ciceh3pororo...puing...puing,,,.....???????
hahaayyy.....ya my reasons is,,,, b'cause it's my name.......hahahha...(G'je'es)

**CICEH = my mother n my familly always call me ciceh,,,,I don't know why,,,!! maybe karna nama panggilan waktu kecil ningsih,,,mungkin scr waktu itu lagi masa lutu2nya manggil'a jd ciceh....(tapi kolo di pikir2 ampe 100X kaga da nyambung'a yah,,,,,hehhe) ahhh,,,,lupakan... but u know ,,,when some body call me ciceh  I feel happy,,,,scr qw suka bgt ma nama itu
Ya,,,,, until now my mother always call me ciceh ( Mama  I love U so much),,,,,, ciceh itu adalah panggilan sayang'a pd qw,,,,karna itu ,,,,
U wanna be one of them,,,,"just call me ciceh"  I'll Give U so many love.....***(maap dikit lebay ych)

**3= why 3,,,,,?? y...'cause my real name is Tri (maklum secara I'm the third child in my family ,,exactly the last child )
**PORORO=pasti udh pada tau dong pororo ya....it's the little pinguin from korea,,,,he's so cute,,,N my favorite cartoon

**PUING...PUING...= hahahha kalo yg satu ini karna waktu buat nie blog  teingat ama korea drama ,,Big...yg identik dg puing..puing nya,,,,eh past di tempelin euih,,,lutcu juga,,,,,,

Yyiiiihhaaa....the finally ,,,aku punya bloggg,,,,,,,,,JAhahhah,,,,(guling...guling...kegirangan,,,,)

ok. Guys please support me.....lets be friend in the cyber world
share so many information N your story
make beauty world N full with love
Thx...see You again....

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