Sabtu, 08 September 2012

just short story

Mom : ceh...U wanna omelet ... To Breakfast..?
Me    : Oh...No. mom
and sudenly   AAAGGGggggggg#%@%$^%&@#$% (my mom scream)
O.M.G  What happened with my mom....I think any Something wrong....!!
N my mom come to me......N say there is baby cat in the kitchen,,,,,,OHhh,,,,it's  make me crazy,,,lets bring the cat,,,,
I don't want to look.....
me  : o.m.g,,,mom they so cute,,,,  ,,,,
the finally I move the cat To outside ,,,,
but you know they is didn't my pets.....
'cause I just have one cat n his name "manis"......
Or maybe my cat is they father......omg 
it's my cat " manis"
he very like pororo

whom their father ......!!!????

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